Nature Nurtures

Black Girls Hike group walking

© Black Girls Hike


Are you a young person aged 16-25 living in London? Do you find yourself wanting to get out nature more and take action for the environment? Are you keen to explore ways to link nature and creative arts? 

Look no further, Nature Nurtures is here for you! 

Nature Nurtures is a new cross-sector project led by London Wildlife Trust with partners Spread the Word, Black Girls Hike CIC and London Youth. The project will be a whole host of exciting opportunities for young people that link natural heritage with creative arts to get more young people volunteering and taking action for nature. Nature Nurtures will also be an opportunity to explore themes of wellbeing, identity & cultural heritage within the environmental sector.  


What’s on offer? 

Over the next two years we’ll be delivering the following for young people with our partners: 

  • Practical nature conservation training and volunteering for young people on London Wildlife Trust nature reserves across the capital; 

  • Creative writing and media workshops (including photography, spoken word poetry, art and creative writing) with Spread the Word’s guest artists;  

  • Wild Wellbeing Walks – including guided walks, mentoring and walk leader guidance for young people led by Black Girls Hike CIC; 

  • Training and skills development opportunities such as OCN accredited training in Youth Leadership, led by London Youth and Volunteer management training led by London Wildlife Trust. 

Who is the project for?

London Wildlife Trust and partners will work to inspire young people from underrepresented communities in the nature conservation sector, to get involved in the protection and promotion of London’s natural heritage with the overall aim of making nature more inclusive, accessible, and relevant to them. 

Specifically, this project will focus on young people from Black, Asian, and Minoritised Ethnic heritage, young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and those who live in socio-economically disadvantaged areas of London.  

Nature Nurtures is supported by funds awarded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports, via the Volunteering Futures Fund distributed by Arts Council England.

Check out the opportunities coming up below:

Find out more about upcoming workshops and book here.

Please contact our Youth Volunteering Coordinator, Charlie Nwanodi, if you have any questions about Nature Nurtures events and opportunities (

Nature Nurtures free workshops for young people 16-25.

Nature Nurtures Anthology

The anthology book provides a glimpse into the natural world from the perspective of young people, magnifying their voices. This group of gifted individuals has come together to create a collective document that use their creative abilities to showcase their explorations and insights. 

The out come of a year of Nature Nurtures workshops with Spread the Word, London Youth and Black Girls Hike, this beautiful collection features poetry, prose, photography, with even music, from 24 talented young creatives and nature lovers from London. The anthology opens the window to young people’s perspective of the natural world in London and amplifies their voices.

The music you will hear playing as you read the anthology is by Muayuma Yese who attended the Nature Nurtures workshop and submitted this piece of music titled 'Look to the Sky' to the anthology.

Read the Anthology

Group pic Kiw Trainees Jul 2020

Project news

We are thrilled to have been awarded funding by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports, delivered by Arts Council England to deliver our new project Nature Nurtures.

Read more here
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